I am an experienced energy analyst and modeller, specialising in energy scenarios, forecasts and cost benefit analysis.
I have considerable experience with both gas and electricity, supply and demand. My speciality is understanding how these interact, from my work leading the whole energy systems modelling in the National Grid's FES* team for some years.
I helped lead the development of National Grid's Future Energy Scenarios from inception to maturity in 2017.
Issues come thick and fast – yet resource is constrained. Emerging strategic and tactical issues and decisions require analysis and insight. Yet day to day commitments and longer-term projects reduce the ability of analytics teams to respond to these challenges.
This is where I can help. If you need a distinct piece of analysis or modelling delivered quickly for your customers, stakeholders or your own strategic thinking I can provide this.
I can work in ways to suit your need
• I am a
flexible and experienced resource to
address analysis requirements.
• I am able to
work independently
and to take
responsibility for delivery
of insight to meet a project brief.
• I can take up a
specialist role within existing projects.
• I can provide
resource to cover day to day tasks
to free up a key in house resource.
You only pay for the work I do – so
your spend is effective and controlled – with no ongoing commitment.
What I do
I am proud to deliver
• Transparent, reliable
for customers to better understand the options available
• Cost Benefit Analysis to make the best decisions
• Scenarios and forecasts
for key metrics to your business, or benchmarking existing forecasts
• Development of low carbon energy pathways
to achieve UK carbon emission targets at least cost
• Bespoke or off the shelf
models to understand how varying assumptions impact the results
• Electricity system network modelling
to understand electricity flows and constraints
These insights inform your decision making process and business strategy adding value to you, your business, and stakeholders.
DECCC can also deliver
specific data services
• Statistical analysis
– establishing relationship between dataset and patterns in data
• Data checking and filtering
– looking for errors and omissions in data
• Database creation
– Microsoft Access databases, including automation
• Capability – I have considerable experience in delivering clear analytical work.
• Diligence – I make sure all elements work.
• Integrity – I remain honest about what works well and what less so.
• Transparency – what I create will always be easy to follow and understand.
• Customer focus – I want you to be happy with what you receive from me. This is a matter of personal pride.
How am I different to others
• Being a small company, I can be very flexible and fully focus on my customer’s requirements.
• Cost costs are less than larger energy consultancies, as my overheads are lower.
• I will give your project my utmost priority.
• I create transparent & flexible insights - what I create for you will be something easy to understand and flexible.
• Assumptions highlighted upfront – if you want to change them you can quickly see the change to the outcome.
• I’m an analyst first and modeller second, so my analysis will always pass the "giggle test".
I also have the attributes you would expect from any consultancy
• Considerable history of insights and data services
• Substantial experience of delivering for customers
• Extensive history of delivery and success
Recent history of delivery
Gas Demand Forecasts for Scotia Gas Networks
Gas Demand Forecasts for Northern Gas Networks
SIF Assessments for Innovate UK - Discovery, Alpha and Beta stages
Various projects for SHAP (Sustainable Housing Action Partnership) - https://shap.uk.com - including Zero Carbon Rugeley
Electricity Dispatch and Network Modelling for Frazer Nash
Domestic retrofit advice for various homeowners
Previous work with National Grid
Whole Energy Systems modelling– led FES whole energy systems modelling establishing how best to decarbonise the GB energy system at lowest cost, for 3 years.
Future of Gas (FOG) scenarios– I developed the first FOG scenarios in 2016.
Project management - running a project to develop an Electricity System Constraint model (ELSI) (ELSI Summer 2017 - Public Release).
Cost benefit analysis via:
Electricity system network analysis via ELSI
ELSI used to establish the value of National Grid network reinforcements for the NOA* process
ELSI used to establish the value of storage projects to external customers to National Grid
Network Innovation Competition–analysis for BioSNG and Hydeploy projects
Hydeploy Network Innovation Competition (NIC) working with Cadent and Progressive Energy
BioSNG NIC, working with Cadent and Progressive Energy
Gas demand forecasts, leading the gas demand forecasting for National Grid Transmission and Cadent for some years.
Development of the FES Gone Green and Two Degrees scenarios, and the environmental impact assessments of all FES scenarios.
Detailed domestic energy demand scenarios (gas and electricity) for FES.
Energy price forecasting, all forms of energy for National Grid several years.
Electricity supply and demand forecasts and scenarios for National Grid’s Electricity Transmission business plan 2018 and 2019.
Development of domestic energy efficiency forecasts for FES.